IHT: To rein in Afghan intelligence service, Karzai removes its leader: "KABUL President Hamid Karzai removed the head of the Afghan intelligence service on Wednesday in a move to reform one of the most uncontrolled organizations in the country.
The removal of Mohammad Arif Sarwari from the National Security Directorate, announced by the official Bakhtar news agency, came amid a flurry of new appointments in the last week.
Four provincial governors and several police chiefs in the regions were named as part of the government's agenda to improve efficiency in its departments, aides said. But coming soon after a new constitution was approved, the appointments are also a sign of Karzai's growing confidence."
The removal of Mohammad Arif Sarwari from the National Security Directorate, announced by the official Bakhtar news agency, came amid a flurry of new appointments in the last week.
Four provincial governors and several police chiefs in the regions were named as part of the government's agenda to improve efficiency in its departments, aides said. But coming soon after a new constitution was approved, the appointments are also a sign of Karzai's growing confidence."