'Plethora' of diseases caused by low vitamin D - Telegraph : A lack of awareness about vitamin D deficiency and the 'plethora' of disease it is linked to is fuelling a rise in preventable illnesses among children, experts at the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health have said. Despite low cost supplements being widely available health care professionals and parents do not know the importance of taking them, they said. Doctors have said the poor summer weather will contribute to an epidemic of vitamin D deficiency as the lack of sunshine will have meant depleted stores of the vitamin which the body can make from sunlight. The College has launched a campaign to ensure all pregnant women, those breastfeeding, children aged between six months and five years and the elderly aged over 65 take vitamin D supplements in accordance with guidelines. It comes as figures show that cases of rickets, poor bone growth causing pain and bowed legs, have risen fourfold i...
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