US Realignment With Sunnis Is Far Advanced - by Gareth Porter : Two major revelations this past week show how far the George W. Bush administration has already shifted its policy toward realignment with Sunni forces to balance the influence of pro-Iranian Shi'ites in Iraq. U.S. Ambassador Zalmay Khalilzad revealed in an interview with Washington Post columnist David Ignatius that he has put the future of military assistance to a Shi'ite-dominated government on the table in the high-stakes U.S. effort to force Shi'ite party leaders to give up control over key security ministries. Khalilzad told Ignatius that, unless the 'security ministries' in the new Iraqi government are allocated to candidates who are 'not regarded as sectarian,' the United States would be forced to reevaluate its assistance to the government. 'We are saying, if you choose the wrong candidates, that will affect U.S. aid,' Khalilzad said. Khalilzad had previously demanded that the I...
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