The REAL Effects of Alcohol On Your Body | Supertraining But what you didn’t know is that only about 5% of the calories from alcohol are stored as fat! Then it hit me as it should hit you right about now… The effects of alcohol on the body are far more damaging than can be predicted by the number of empty calories in some alcoholic beverage. The truth is… 1- Alcohol really affects the amount of fat your body can and will burn for energy! In a study done by the American Journal of Clinical Research [4] they concluded that just a mere 24g of alcohol consumption showed whole-body lipid oxidation ( the rate at which your body burns fat) decreased by a whopping 73%! When alcohol goes thru the liver, the by-product is called Acetate. It would appear that acetate puts the proverbial brakes on fat burning. Your body can use many types of fuel. Protein, carbohydrates and fat. In many cases, the fuel used is dictated by it’s availability. Trouble is… Your body tends to use whatever you ...
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